Thursday, October 05, 2006

I'm not the only one...

So, in a dialogue with a man of whom I deeply respect, I finally un-earthed my long since buried dislike of Ford motor vehicles. That's right, I said it. Ford may be my least favorite of automobile manufacturers. Have you ever seen a Ford Ranger that doesn't have a dent in the front fender? The answer is no, you haven't. I know that I've gotten into an accident in mine. Why, may you ask, does every Ranger have a dent in the front. Well, let me tell you. The brakes don't work. Seriously. You slam on the brakes because the moron in front of you doesn't really know how to drive, and WHAM. You hit 'em anyway. How does that work? How is it that the brakes have only one job and it can't quite fullfill it's duty? I will say this, would this happen in most corporations throughout America with personnel, said personnel wouldn't be working at said corporation for very long.

There is a point, I promise. Through this conversation, i realized something. Even though I'm worn down and tired, God used Cameron to ignite a fire within me. God showed me that He wired me to function against the grain…that no matter how drained and abused I'm feeling, there's still a holy fire that burns within me waiting to explode and consume and ignite other fires. How amazing would it be to see such a holy wildfire ignite and burn and consume. I tell you, we're in the middle of it. Lives are changing and minds are being blown away with grace and mercy. This brings me to my other point.

I'm up at the church today to do some work. For being part-time, I've got a substantial workload. Regardless, my plans for the evening got pushed back and I was fairly frustrated with this. It was really eating away at me and I was dreading having to stay longer. So I had to leave and give a friend of mine's father a ride to the airport. We had a pleasent conversation on the way up and on the way back to church I heard a Death Cab for Cutie song playing. I think that Death Cab writes with an incredible sense of how to make you picture the scene surrounding each lyric that is sung. Either way, this song just caused me to begin picturing life and through this picture, I think that God was trying to tell that it's time that I slow down and enjoy Him. I keep running harder and faster with each passing week and feeling evermore tired and drained and I think that God's trying to tell me that I need to let Him handle the workload and let Him take care of the time, that He made me to enjoy refreshing a feeling. Finally, life was meant to be lived and enjoyed and I feel like He's giving me permission to do so. Life will get you down…that's obvious. But when you're in so deep that you can't see out, there's a guiding light waiting for you, patiently, to show you the way home. I promise.

I love You. I love God. I love life.

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