Sunday, August 27, 2006

Rants on the word of "Hello"

Welp, I come to you on this rainy early morning to say hello. Not much more than that, just a hello. It amazes me how one word can be so hard to say. Hello. Not hard to type...yet most of the time I find myself shying away from saying one 5 letter word. That said, I've never found it hard to meet and/or love people for who they are, but it seems as though lately I just haven't felt up to saying that one word to anyone, really.

hel?lo? [he-loh, huh-, hel-oh] noun, plural -los, verb, -loed, -lo?ing.
1. (used to express a greeting, answer a telephone, or attract attention.)
2. (an exclamation of surprise, wonder, elation, etc.)
3. (used derisively to question the comprehension, intelligence, or common sense of the person being addressed): You're gonna go out with him? Hello!

There. We've defined the word under debate for the morning. Have you ever pondered a word and the long-term repercussionss of that word? From the definition above, we learn that the word "hello" is used to express a greeting, sound excited, and insult the intelligence of another. I think this covers only half of the word. I petition that, over the course of time, we begin adding in the dictionary what a word does, not just what it means. Confused yet? I think that words not only mean a specific definition or definitions, I believe that words actually do something. Our words not just mean something, but they do something, as well. I think if we look at it this way, it's no wonder why verbal abuse is so damaging and why it takes so long for the pains from verbal attacks to come to the surface. The word "hello", for instance, not only means what it says above, but it also is the first hit at knocking down a wall of insecurity between two people that might not know each other. Without "hello", I would not have met some of the greatest people that are presently in my life. So, I propose we begin to write our vocabulary definitions with a slightly different approach.


hel?lo? [he-loh, huh-, hel-oh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation interjection, noun, plural -los, verb, -loed, -lo?ing.
1. (used to express a greeting, answer a telephone, or attract attention.)
2. (an exclamation of surprise, wonder, elation, etc.)
3. (used derisively to question the comprehension, intelligence, or common sense of the person being addressed): You're gonna go out with him? Hello!
Subconcious Actions:
1. First of many uncomfortable oral attempts to break through insecurities of trying to get to know someone not yet known.
2. Lets people know that you've cared enough to make public knowledge that they exist.
3. In varying applications, leaves one feeling not worthy enough to let inner thoughts reach the outside world for fear of a great lack in support for said idea or passing thought.

That said, in the grand spectrum of time, I am but a speck on the timeline. I know that God created me for great things, and it's up to me to seek God's direction in what those great things are. They say that actions speak louder than words, but I say that it depends on the context. My actions can be great feats or devastating blows, and so can my words. The difference is my words will sit and fester and continuously run through the head of those that received them, but my actions will heal with a greater efficiency of time. The thing that I ponder now is this: Are my words spoken with a hint of the divine, breaking through insecurities and encouraging forward progress...or are my words a rebel band of ninjas seeking to destroy a path in protection of my own insecurities...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ouuuuuuu, chills. Great blog friend! I'm going to have to quote you sometime on that last sentence. Is that your own? Consider yourself quoted at some point in these next few months. I love the way you think!