Thursday, January 18, 2007

Here we go…

So this is 2007…looks promising. I'm hoping for the best on this one. I have no idea what this year will bring, and everything at first glance looks not very fun. Big decisions are on the horizon…life-changing things that I don't know what to do with or about. I've started going to the gym again. I shouldn't have stopped. But that's a story for another day. What I really want to talk about today is a couple things that bother me.

Example: Ice on cars. Let me be more specific. Ice on cars that deem it necessary to go on the highway. At first glance, this is no big deal. But lets look just a hair closer, shall we? Let's say that it's a beautiful day. That the proverbial birds are chirping and that skies are clear. But recently, there had been a series of storms come through that had frozen over and left ice on cars. Now, let's just say that you're driving home from a good day at the gym and you're noticing the beauty in everything and waiting to hear the voice of your beautiful girlfriend of which you haven't heard in some time. Then, out of nowhere, you see something flying right at your head and SMACK, something's hit the windshield. Well, needless to say, you're a little shaken up as you begin looking in your mirrors to see what hit you and you're checking the windshield to make sure that you're not going to die driving 65mph trying to get home…and then you realize that ice from the car in front of you has slid off it's back end and clocked you nearly in the head...

I know what you're thinking. "Nahum, you're silly. Ice doesn't fall off while you're driving." But let me make a case for my arguement. When water reaches a temprature below 32℉, it freezes…pretty common knowledge. But I move that when water reaches temperatures above 32℉, it unfreezes. I say that when water begins to unfreeze, that the part of it that has unfrozen provides enough lubrication that the then thawing piece of ice can now fly off of your car whilest you are going down the road at 65mph.

I know that it's inconvenient, but please, knock the ice off of your an accident.