Saturday, December 16, 2006

I Make Ears Bleed…

I make ears bleed…or at least I try. Ten services is a lot to do. My patience was definitely tried. By the end of service #8, I was ready to just walk out…leave it all behind. Well, not exactly, but lets just say that it was a rough weekend for ole Nahum, here. Either way, We finish that 8th service, and an older gentlemen walks up to the booth that BJ and I are sitting in and approaches us by saying in a fairly angry voice: "Are you TRYING to make our ears bleed?!". This gentleman proceeded to verbally lash the audio aspect of that service while I'm already having a fairly difficult time just staying in the booth. After probly 5 minutes of this guys verbal lashing, I apologized and said that it was not my intent to try and make his ears bleed (although, I must say that there were many other words running through my head, but fortunately God was definitely giving me some much needed patience for the guy) and he walked away. All of that said, BJ is a great friend…and everyone should have the priviledge of knowing her. On a seperate note, I really miss Whitney (she's been in Cali since a week ago Sunday.). Only 6 days until I get to see her again. I'm currently on vacation. Call me if you want to talk…if I don't pick up, don't be dis-heartened, just know that I'm screening calls and might be in a less that opportune time to be able to talk. Have a great week!

N out.